Red Light Therapy
Time to Heal. Transform. Optimise.
Red light therapy uses low level wavelengths of red light to help treat the skin and body. The red light stimulates the production of mitochondria within the cell, which has an array of benefits.
At House of Alcheme our custom made red light therapy pod has four waves of light. Two being the traditional low light (620-720 nanometers) and an extra two that are near infrared and infrared (850-940 nanometers), so you get even more benefits!
How Does It Work
Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that helps skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body heal. It exposes you to low levels of red or near-infrared light. Infrared light is a type of energy your eyes can’t see, but your body can feel as heat. Red light is similar to infrared, but you can see it.
With red light therapy a part of your cells called mitochondria, sometimes called the “power generators” of your cells, soak it up and make more energy. Some experts think this helps cells repair themselves and become healthier. This spurs healing in skin and muscle tissue.
Red light therapy uses very low levels of heat and doesn’t hurt or burn the skin. It’s not the same type of light used in tanning booths, and it doesn’t expose your skin to damaging UV rays.
The Benefits
Helps with:
Stimulates hair growth
Generates production of collagen
Tissue repair
Reduction in appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars
Improves skin elasticity
Promotes connective tissue health
Dilates blood vessels
Protects red blood cells and platelets
Stimulates mitachondria for faster recovery
Soothes sore muscles, joint pain and arthritis
Eases symptoms of autoimmune diseases, spinal chord injuries and brain trauma injuries
Increases testosterone
May stimulate pineal gland
Diminishes inflammation
Reduces muscle spasms
Stress and Anxiety
Activates parasympathetic nervous system
Decreases stress and anxiety levels
Enhances sleep quality
Promotes mental clarity
Health and Wellbeing
Skin purification
Immune system function
Metabolic boost and weight loss
Increases stroke volume, lowers HR & increased oxygen levels in the blood
Athletic Performance
Reduces swelling
Promotes strong joint health
Reduces fatigue
Promotes mental performance clarity
Before your session
Cardiovascular issues
What to bring:
Just yourself! You go in nude so no need for bathers!
We provide towels.
Towel, shower facilities, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toiletries, herbal tea, nourishing special treat, intuitive message, filtered water, Bluetooth and tablet for your personal use
Your own private room to relax and fully immerse yourself into the space of relaxation, healing and pure bliss.
Coffee, Alcohol and other stimulants
Eating directly Prior
We recommend you shower at least 30min after your sauna for maximum detoxification benefits